An EA Originals Title - Level Designer
Released 23 April 2024
Level Designer for the Deadlands biome - Totalling 5 complete levels.
Metacritic Score: 78/100 - User Score: 7/10
Available on Nintendo Switch, Playstation+, Xbox Series X/S, Steam.
Published by EA Originals
Genre: Side Scrolling, Metriodvania
Time on Project: 2 Years
Further Post-Release Patch work
Responsible from documentation to implementation.

ToK: ZAU - Launch Trailer
Launch trailer for Tales of Kenzera: Zau. Highlighting the public’s reaction to our announcement and the journey through development.
From Blockout to Shipped Title:
Secrets, Combat encounters & critical paths were all things t consider when creating the Deadlands in ToK: ZAU, ensuring to match each level thematically and helping to elevate the feelings of being isolated & angry while traversing the level.
Art by Ty Jones, Shira Eilan, KC Warren & Joe Phillpot
Art by Ty Jones, Shira Eilan, KC Warren & Joe Phillpot
Balance & Flow within Encounters -
While creating the various combat encounters throughout the world, balance and flow were crucial parts of what made the spaces feel fun and unique. Balancing the enemy types that spawn around the player combined with routes that the player will be moved through, as the fight progresses, were key to give these spaces a different feel than the other biomes in the world.
Pacing throughout levels -
Pacing is key to make any level feel fulfilling. Balancing between narrative beats, secrets off the beaten path and points of interests that benefit the player are key factors to think about when considering the critical path.